Workplace Wellness
We can all agree that work-life balance is important. We also know that adopting and maintaining healthy behaviours enhances the health of your employees, their families, and ultimately, your business. Corporate Yoga and Meditation classes are proven to reduce stress, increase productivity & contribute to a more harmonious work environment. Investing in your people is a direct investment in your business.
Employee Benefits:
Reduce stress & improve stress management
Improve concentration & focus
Alleviate common pain from desk jobs
Improve flexibility & strength
Strengthen immune system
Improves overall physical and mental health
“For every $1 invested in workplace wellness, a company can expect $3 in cost savings or benefits.” (University of Michigan Research Centre)"
Company Benefits:
Lower stress related costs
Enhanced employee attitude and outlook
Higher productivity & creativity
Improves employee alertness and ability to react calmly in demanding situations
Higher job satisfaction among employees
“Employees who report a high degree of stress in their lives miss twice as many work days as employees who report a low degree of stress.” (Conference Board of Canada)